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VLE RobotML Generator


The Virtual Laboratory Environment VLE is a multi-modeling and simulation platform. It is a powerful modeler and simulator supporting the use of different formalisms for models specification and simulation. VLE is particularly well adapted for complex models where the coupling of different formalisms is required. In addition to the classical use of one single formalism for modeling and simulation, VLE can integrate, i.e. couple, heterogeneous formalisms in one coherent simulation model.

For instance, VLE supports, and is not limited to, the modeling and simulation of the following formalisms (stand alone or coupled together):

  • Discrete Event Specifications
  • Differential equations
  • Difference equations
  • Petri net
  • Finite State Automata

VLE supports the following modeling and simulation paradigms:

  • System Dynamics
  • Multi-Agent Systems, Multi-Agent Simulation
  • Decision support systems
  • Learning systems

VLE is based on the theory of modeling and simulation initially developed by B.P. Zeigler in the 70’s and continuously enriched until now by an active international community. VLE is based on the DEVS formalism (Discrete Event systems Specification). VLE provides a set of C++ libraries, the VFL and a lot of programs like a simulator, a graphical user interface to model and develop models and tools to analyze and visualize simulation outputs. The VFL are sufficiently well designed to allow the development of new simulators, models or new programs for modeling and analysis.

VLE‘s goals is to provide powerful tools for modeling, simulating and analysing complex dynamics systems. The development are complying with the :term`DEVS` specification DEVS and works made by the simulation community.

DEVS models

Name Description
Passive DEVS model which makes nothing, which reacts to no external event and which generates no ouput-event.
Counter Very simple model which counts the number of events received on all the input-ports of the model. No output-event is produced.
Conditional Model may require parameters that are expressed in condition form.
Generator Generates an event every X time units (x can be a parameter).
Storage Replicate the input to output with a lag. If an input is present before the replication to output, so this input is ignored
Binary Counter Send “1” if two “1” is received within a period.
Sampling Replicate with a frequency the last input.

See RobotML VLE integration to know the implementation specificities.