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PROTEUS and the Robotic community

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PROTEUS as a projectΒΆ

PROTEUS is a French ANR project which goal is to close the existing gap between those working upon the robotic technologies (Research centres are often providing this type of contributions) and those using them (mainly companies willing to create products). In order to achieve such a goal this project is creating the different pieces of infrastructure needed:

  1. Robotic portal which goals are to:

    1. capitalise development, models, ...,
    2. provide a download centre,
    3. host challenges
  2. Modelling tool which goal is to abstract robotic architecture representation in order to:

    1. Use Generation tools which goal is to separate modelling problems with respect to implementation details and thus concrete robotic frameworks
    2. Allow introduction of verification tools such as DEVS through its VLE embodiement

These two facets are to be verified through OARP allowing the project to debug and validate the complete infrastructure.